Questions and Answers about Hypnotherapy

Lo prometido es deuda! That is what we say in Colombia when we have promised something and we have to deliver, not matter what. Even if it takes a little longer than expected. So here it is the article I promised you. I answered all the questions I got from you, my IG followers, and I hope that this gives you a better understanding of how Hypnotherapy can help you or your loved one.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a wonderful therapeutic tool that is used to help people who have suffered from trauma. It helps the individual to give words to the emotions they are afraid to feel.  During World War I, hypnosis assisted soldiers in expressing what their bodies were feeling, feelings they could not express on their own. Hypnotherapy focuses on the power of the subconscious mind to promote healing and well-being. 


Can anyone be hypnotized? 

Yes, anyone has the ability to enter a relaxation state, which is the basis of hypnosis. When you are about to fall asleep, you enter a state of deep relaxation. However, up to 15% of the population can experience resistance to hypnosis. Resistance is associated with fear, but even those people can benefit greatly from hypnosis once this barrier os overcome.


What happens if I have trouble being hypnotized?

I always suggest practicing daily meditation because it helps you get comfortable with going “within.” We live in a very ongoing, rush, push through life and it could be difficult to slow down, be silent, and do nothing but breathe. However, the more you practice meditation and stillness, the easier it would be for you to experience relaxation and calmness, giving yourself an opportunity to be more open to suggestions.

What does hypnosis feel like? 

It is simply a natural state of mind. It is a deep relaxation in which you are more receptive to positive suggestions to make positive changes in your behavior and thought patterns. During the process, you are aware of everything that you experience and feel. You are always in control of accepting a suggestion or not. You are in complete communication with your therapist. You will remember everything that you feel and experience, and all of that is part of the healing process you will go through. 

What happens if I fall asleep?

Well, the idea is for you not to be  so completely comfortable that you drift off to sleep. You will maintain a level of comfort so you are able to just enter into a physical and mental relaxation in which you will be aware and in control of whether you want to keep going deeper or to stop. 

What can hypnotherapy help with?

Hypnotherapy offers a way for you to explore your traumatic experiences in a safe and controlled manner, allowing you to observe them without becoming overwhelmed. Hypnotherapy can help with identifying the internal programming you received as a child, the unconscious conclusions you made about yourself that keep you frozen on ongoing unhealthy patterns.  

Hypnotherapy can help with trauma, pain, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, phobias, grief, and dissociative disorders. 

Hypnotherapy is a practice that aims to promote healing and positive development by reprogramming patterns of behavior in the mind. It helps you overcome irrational fears, phobias, negative thoughts, and suppressed emotions. 


How much does Hypnotherapy cost?

One hour of hypnotherapy costs $185. However, I offer a 4 sessions package that costs $ 600.

Where are you located?

I am a Heart-Centered Hypnotherapist certified from Wellness-Institute. I provide hypnotherapy and talk therapy online in all the state of Florida. If you live South Florida, I provide face to face services of Hypnotherapy and talk therapy in Coral Springs.

I hope you find this information helpful. Thank you for reading me.


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